B3 U Q&A

Q: What is B3 U?
A: B3 U is a new BFR fitness app with live workouts, recorded workouts, and a community for everyone who has BFR Bands!
Q: What is the B3 Platform?
A: Access to:
- The new B3 U fitness app
- B3 Share app for sharing information
- Two B3 personalized websites
- B3 Back Office
Q: What is the price of the B3 Platform Subscription?
A: After an initial 30-day free trial, ongoing access to the B3 Platform is $59.99/month.
Q: Does everyone get an initial 30- day free trial on the B3 Platform including the new B3 U fitness app?
A: Yes, every person who previously purchased B3 Bands in any manner will receive a 30-day free trial to experience the B3 Platform and the new B3 U fitness app.
Q: How does a current Bands user access the B3 Platform for 30-day free trial?
A: Simply complete the pre-registration form online.
Q: How does a new Bands user access the B3 Platform for the 30-day free trial:
A: Purchase a set of Bands, a Bands Bundle package, or a Founder package online in a B3 shopping cart.
Q: Is there a deadline for current Bands owners to register for the 30-day free trial?
A: There is no deadline. Every person who has previously purchased B3 Bands will receive a 30-day free trial.
- After their initial 30 days, they will be billed $59.99/month.
- They can start when we launch in January 2025 or anytime in the future.
- Only one free trial of 30 days is permitted.
Q: What is happening to the $49.99 yearly renewal?
A: As of January 2025, the yearly renewal fee of $49.99 has been discontinued.
- Access to the same benefits plus the B3 U fitness app is $59.99/month beginning January 2025.
Q: What if a Member has already paid $49.99 in the last 12 months?
A: Any Member who has paid the $49.99 will have the same access until March 1, 2025.
- Beginning March 1, in order for a Member to maintain access to the B3 Platform, a subscription of $59.99/month will be required.
- Members who paid the $49.99 in the last 12 months, and did not receive their full 12 months, can request a pro-rated refund.
- All current Members will receive a 30-day free trial on the B3 platform before the $59.99/month subscription begins.
Q: Is there a discount for ordering B3 Products each month when a person is on the B3 Platform subscription
A: Yes, any person on the B3 Platform gets 35% off any of the products ordered on Autoship in the month.
Ex > $59.99 subscription + $45.50 (B3 Start at 35% off) = $105.49
Q: What if someone has two or more products on Autoship and also subscribe to the B3 Platform?
A: They get 35% off all products, plus FREE shipping.
Q: Are there any changes to the Affiliate, Member or Founder programs?
A: There are no changes to the current programs, commissions, qualifications for commissions, or Ranks.
Q: Can Affiliates continue without purchasing the B3 Platform
A: Yes, there are no changes to the Free Affiliate program.
Q: What if a Customer or Affiliate wants access to the 30-day free trial on the B3 Platform?
A: They simply complete the pre-registration form to begin their 30-day free trial to the B3 Platform.
Q: What if a Customer or Affiliate wants to upgrade to Member?
A: Customers and Affiliates can do a simple upgrade to Member by pre-registering for the B3 Platform and agreeing to the ongoing $59.99/month subscription which starts after the 30-day free trial has been completed.
They will be placed in the Tree, and eligible for all the bonuses, except the Founder Bonus Pool.
Q: What if a Member is not active with an product order or Bands sale?
A: They are not eligible for commissions in that month:
- They do not lose their Member status, or their position in the tree
- They can resume being active in any future month.
Q: Will a Member continue to be able to purchase a B3 nutrition product or have a Bands sale and remain an active Member?
A: No changes to being active in the compensation plan:
- A product purchase or Autoship in the month.
- A Bands Customer order or a personal Bands order = 3 months of active for commissions.
- (New) The B3 Platform subscription also makes them active for commissions for that month.
Q: Is a Member considered active for commissions during their 30-day free trial?
A: Yes
Q: What if a Customer or Affiliate upgrades to Member with a B3 Platform subscription, then they cancel their monthly $59.99 subscription?
A: They stay a Member and retain their position in the tree.
Q: What if a Customer, Affiliate or Member would like to upgrade to Founder?
A: The same upgrade program will continue, a purchase of an upgrade package is required.
Q: Will there be any price increases to the Bands?
A: Yes, there will be an increase of $30 per Bands set beginning in January 2025.
This will apply to all Bands orders, and all packages that include Bands:
New or first time Bands set purchase: $449.99 > $479.99
Repeat Bands set purchase: $369.99 > $399.99
Q: Are there any other price increases beginning in January 2025?
A: The cost of shipping will increase $1 from the current rates.
Q: What will commissions be on the sale of a Bands set at the new price of $479.99?
A: Commissions will remain the same, $80 to $110 (20% - 27.5% of the BV which will stay at 400).
The price increase covers the increased cost of manufacturing over the last two years.
Q: What is the commission on the sale of a B3 Platform subscription at the $59.99 price?
A: The B3 Platform subscription pays commissions the same way as a product order, it is 50 BV.
Q: Are there two commissions on the combined sale of a B3 Platform subscription and a Nutrition product?
A: Yes, both the subscription and the product will pay commission.
Q: Will the Founder program still be available?
A: Yes, it will continue to be available.
The Founder package will be moved to the same shopping cart with Bands, Bundles and products
The updated price of the Founder package is $1399.99 and includes:
3 Sets of Bands + 3 Exercise tubings + 3 duffel bags
3 Products (Added 1 product)
1 B3 Share & B3 U subscription: Multiple people in household can access app with same credentials
BFR Course & Certification
Founder Bonus Pool access
Dr Mike assistance and mentoring
Q: What is the commission for sponsoring a Founder?
A: The BV will be 1200 and the Sponsor bonus will be: = 20% = $240
Q: Can multiple people in the same household share a B3 Platform subscription?
A: Yes, multiple people can work out together on the same device, or multiple people can login from separate devices.
Q: If a person chooses not to subscribe to the B3 Platform, can they still earn commissions?
A: Yes. There are no changes to being active for commissions. The B3 Platform is not required